
We would love to welcome you as a new member of YLTGR.

How to apply?


Register an Account

Register a new account. Login with an existing account

You must register a new account first with your email address, and a password. Once you've registered, you should be redirected to this page.

If you are already registered as user, you can instead, login.



Add a character

Then add each character you want to apply with using the button above. Clicking on the button will take you to the EVE Online login page. Enter your EVE account's credentials, then select your character and click "Authorize". Following that, you should be taken back to this page.

Note that this website doesn't ever see your EVE account credentials, the only data that we will store is an authentication token and some character data. If you later request to have your data deleted, this data will disappear. Note that you can also revoke authenticated apps and websites from the EVE Online Community Page at


Fill out the application form

Fill Application


Submit Application

Once you have clicked this button, you will not be able to to edit your application, nor add or remove characters from your account. The recruiters will then process your application.

You will see the "status" of your application as Pending while recruiters are processing you, then if you are approved if will display Approved. In the event your application is rejected, the text Rejected will be displayed. If we chose to reject your application, we will strive to contact you with a reason.

If we need to contact you, we will do so by in-game mail. If you are applying with multiple characters, please specify in your application which characters is your "main", and what the other characters are used for.

Submit Application

YLTGR is a corporation, a ‘guild’ in the MMORPG EVE Online by CCP Games hf. · EVE Online is the intellectual property of CCP Games hf. and no copyright infrigement is intended with this website. · v0.11.0a-ALPHA